A hardy, lush, large leafed tropical plant with leaves that have a creamy white centre that spreads out to a bright green leaf along the edges. Dense foliage and fuss free nature Dieffenbachia is great for shaded gardens and indoors.
Shop all Dieffenbachia or learn more about this genus here or family grouping here
Current Pot Size: 120mm
Synonyms: Dumb Cane
Light: Bright Indirect to Full shade - Categories 3-4 (please see our blog on plant light requirements)
Soil: Well draining, moisture retaining - Indoor mix (please see our blog on soil requirements)
Fertiliser: As directed on your fertiliser of choice. Fortnightly or monthly during the growing season (please see our blog on plant food)
Watering: Don't over water, they like to dry out between waterings.
Maintenance: Don't over water. Remove old, dry foliage as plant matures. No direct sunlight.